By the Classification Theorem of closed $3$-braids given by
J. Birman and W. Menasco, it is known that there are only finitely many
mutually non-conjugate $n$-braids ($n= 1, 2$ or $3$) having the same closure.
Moreover they prove that if there is infinitely many mutually non-conjugate
$n$-braids having the same closure, then all but finitely many of them
are related by exchange moves.
H. Morton discovered an infinite sequence of pairwise non-conjugate
$4$-braids whose closures are equivalent to the unknot and E. Fukunaga
gave an infinite sequence of pairwise non-conjugate $4$-braids whose closures
are equivalent to the $(2,k)$-torus link for any $k$.
For any $n$-braid $b$ $(n \ge 3)$ whose closure is a knot, we give
an infinite sequence of pairwise non-conjugate $(n+1)$-braids which have
the same closures as $b$ and we show that the closures of the braids in
our sequence fall into a single equivalence class by exchange moves.